Volunteers may feel they can give more frank and open feedback when they have finished volunteering with your organisation. An exit interview provides an opportunity to gather valuable feedback which can help your organisation improve work practices and learn how to better retain volunteers. Volunteers are under no obligation to participate in an exit interview so do thank them for their time and honesty and remind them of the valuable contribution they have made during their placement. A simple checklist/template will ensure the exit interview process consistent and easy to complete. Exit interviews may be conducted in person or over the phone. Below is a sample exit interview template which can be adapted for your organisation.

The following is a list of sample questions that can be tailoored to your organisation:

Sample Exit Interview Template

We would appreciate feedback on your experience volunteering with us. We value your comments and look forward to using this information to improve our work practices so we may, in turn, provide a better quality volunteering experience.

Name of Volunteer:____________________      Volunteer role:______________________

Supervisor’s name:________________  ____     Dates of Volunteer Service:______________

Name of Exit Interviewer_________________    Date _____________________________


What is the primary reason you are leaving ?

  • Travel/moving out of area
  • Type of volunteer work
  • Personal reasons
  • Quality of Supervision
  • Self Employment
  • Working conditions
  • Career Opportunities
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Health reasons
  • Lack of Recognition
  • Other, please specify_________________  ____  ____  ______  ____  ____________


What did you enjoy most about volunteering with us?


What did you like least about volunteering with us?


Did you feel adequately prepared for your role?


Do you feel the support and supervision you received was adequate?


Did any of our organisation’s policies or procedures support or hinder your volunteering?


What suggestions would you make to improve our volunteer programme?


Would you recommend our organisation to others?


Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your volunteer experience?


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