Investing in Volunteers (IiV) is the quality standard for good practice in volunteer management. If you want to assess the quality of your volunteer management and involvement, prove and improve the effectiveness of your work with volunteers, and enhance your organisation's reputation, Investing in Volunteers provides the ideal framework. Achieving the standard shows your volunteers – and potential volunteers – how much they are valued and gives them confidence in your ability to provide an outstanding volunteer experience.
The Volunteering Impact Assessment Toolkit helps organisations measure and assess the impact of volunteering programmes across a variety of different stakeholders. VIAT provides a tested framework for impact assessment so organisations don’t have to start from scratch. It can be adapted to your individual situation and used to develop comparable systematic data and great way to demonstrate the impact of your volunteer programme for donors or funding applications.
The results from impact assessments help organisations in the development and improvement of their volunteering programmes – highlighting what is working well and what needs to be developed.