On 8th June, the kickoff meeting of the European project European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering took place online.
The project aims at defining and disseminating across the EU the first European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering.
In this first meeting of the project, the delegates from the eight partner organisations established the guidelines and work plan for the definition of the standards.
Once the first version of the quality standard is ready in February 2022, the project partners will organise a pilot testing involving youth volunteering organisations from all across the EU. Based on the feedback from the testers, the project partners will define and implement the necessary improvements before the publication of the final version of the <em>European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering </em>in November 2022.
The project European Quality Standards in Youth Volunteering is an initiative of the Spanish Volunteer Platform (Spain) in collaboration with: Centre for European Volunteering (Belgium), Volunteer Ireland (Ireland), CSVnet (Italy), FriSe (Denmark), DKolektiv (Croatia), Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bulgaria (Bulgaria), and Neptelia (Spain). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union