The overall objective of this project was to increase the social inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalized groups through volunteering and to share already existing experiences/practices/tools in the field.
These resources aim to encourage volunteer-involving organisations to embrace social inclusion and hopes to answer potential questions of organisations that decide to open their doors to diversity.
This toolkit aims to provide you with information on general aspects of inclusive volunteering and recommendations for volunteer leaders on how to work with various groups.
In Part 1 it talks about the general aspects of inclusive volunteering such as definitions of inclusive volunteering and the barriers and benefits. Part 2 includes recommendations for volunteer coordinators on how to work with various groups – people with hearing impairments, people with visual impairments, people with physical disabilities, people with mental health difficulties, older people, migrants, long-term unemployed people, ex-prisoners and people affected by homelessness.
The second publication is a collection of excellent examples of how volunteering can enhance inclusion from around Europe. These examples help to demonstrate the benefits for both volunteers and volunteer involving organisations.