TEAM IV aims to contribute to the social inclusion of people with disabilities by training 250 mentors specialised in supporting people with disabilities who are volunteers or wish to be volunteers. The project intends to create a platform that can be used for training and for matching mentors and mentees, with training materials in different languages.
This project will result in providing an online training course for developing and strengthening the capacity of volunteer trained mentors through a European mentoring programme for volunteers with disabilities, through online non-formal learning. This way, TEAM IV will redefine, improve and formalise the mentoring process most suitable for supporting online and offline volunteering by people with disabilities, and contribute to their active participation in democratic and civic life, while advocating to policy makers and stakeholders across Europe for social inclusion.
The partners of this project:
Volunteer Ireland (project lead)
Big Brother Big Sister Bulgaria
Confederation of European Senior Expert Services
CEV – Centre for European Volunteering
Pro Vobis
It is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.