This Volunteer Charter comes in two segments, one for organisations and one for volunteers and can be used to clarify expectations from both sides when a volunteer takes up a role in your organisation. By implementing this Volunteer Charter you are creating a clear foundation of the relationship with volunteers and by ensuring the charter is followed, generating an increased quality in the volunteering experience.


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What volunteers can expect from this organisation:

I expect the Volunteer Involving Organisation to promote diversity and inclusion, respecting differences and fostering an environment that values everyone.

It is important to make everyone feel welcome and to treat everyone equally. In your recruitment process and onboarding, you should acknowledge that volunteers come from different backgrounds and have different experiences. This lays a great foundation to allow everyone to feel seen and heard. For example, you might have an inclusion statement on your role description or application form, and ask if there are any additional supports that the volunteer might need whilst volunteering. On your volunteer's first day, explain to them how you expect them to treat everyone.

We have implemented:
An inclusion statement on our role description or application form.

A question on our application form that asks about additional support needs,

The organisation has a clear way of showing how everyone is welcome.

I expect to be offered meaningful and accessible opportunities tailored to my skills, interests, and availability.

It is important that organisations consider how accessible they are to all volunteers and remove barriers to volunteering wherever possible.

We have implemented:
We offer a variety of roles and allow flexibility in the timing and location of these roles.

I expect clear and defined roles and responsibilities, allowing me to contribute effectively to the mission and objectives of the organisation.

Before you think about involving volunteers in your organisation, you need to know exactly what you are going to ask your volunteers to do. This informs what sort of volunteer you are looking for (for example, good with computers, knows how to cook, is available at weekends, etc). Putting all the information you have on paper to send to your volunteer before you take them on or meet them for an interview, can help you be more efficient in your recruitment and gives the volunteer the feeling of a professional environment.

We have implemented:
Role descriptions for our volunteers that we discuss with our volunteers.

I expect the Volunteer Involving Organisation to provide the training and resources I need to enable me to acquire the skills and knowledge to carry out my role safely and to the best of my ability.

Different roles need varying levels of training. Regardless of the role, some training must be involved. This makes sure the volunteer knows exactly how to carry out their tasks and has the skills and knowledge to provide the service that you want them to.

We have implemented:
Core training for our volunteers (this can be very short or longer depending on the role).

Additional training for our volunteers which allows them to stay engaged in their volunteering and perhaps take on bigger/different roles in the team.

I expect support from at least one clearly identified contact person and opportunities to meet and socialise with my fellow volunteers.

Volunteers need to feel supported in their role. Knowing who is their main contact is crucial to establishing a clear relationship to your organisation, but being able to share experiences and knowledge with their fellow volunteers is equally important. Regular volunteer meetings or group check-ins can be a great way to make this happen informally. A shared WhatsApp group is another example of peer support.

We have implemented:
Our volunteers know who their supervisor is/who to contact.

We have a way for volunteers to meet up regularly.

One or more staff have attended training to support volunteers.

I expect regular communication, with timely sharing of relevant information through a medium that I can (or am taught to) use and have access to.

Volunteers expect to hear from you regularly and to be kept up to date with any changes that relate to their roles. Be aware that people might prefer different ways to communicate - some prefer emails, others text. Make sure that your volunteers know how you get in touch with them, and how they can get in touch with you. When you communicate with them use plain simple language, avoid long sentences, acronyms and jargon.

We have implemented:
Clear two-way communication with our volunteers in a way that volunteers are able to engage with.

Regular communication with our volunteers.

Our volunteers know how we communicate with them and we know which types of communication our volunteers like.

I expect regular check-ins, providing an opportunity to discuss progress, address concerns, and ensure a positive and collaborative working relationship.

A big part of supporting and supervising volunteers efficiently is establishing regular check-ins. It is important that the volunteer knows this is a regular thing, and not a disciplinary measure. A meeting can be seen as very formal, so calling these catch ups, check-ins or coffee chats can help keep them easy going and relaxed. Make sure you give the volunteer a chance to ask you questions and feed back to you.

We have implemented:
We do regular check-ins with our volunteers.

I expect the organisation to have my best interest at heart at all times, keeping me safe and making sure I understand the boundaries of my role.

Depending on the volunteer's role, this can be a big or small part of the support the volunteer receives from you. A relaxed and happy volunteer is a good volunteer so it's important to put in place measures that help prevent burn out, for yourself, and the volunteer. Regular check-ins are great to informally check in to see how the volunteer is getting on so you can decide if further training or support might be needed. Posters and flyers on mental health and wellbeing that are regularly distributed, or training on mindfulness, is a great way to encourage wellbeing conversations within the team.

We have implemented:
We talk to our volunteers about their wellbeing.

We signpost resources on wellbeing to our volunteers.

I expect acknowledgement and appreciation of my contributions, recognising the value I bring to the mission and goals of the organisation.

Making a volunteer feel valued and appreciated is an absolute necessity if you would like your volunteers to stay with your organisation and become ambassadors of your work and cause. Having a mixture of ways you show your volunteers that their efforts are noticed and appreciated is a great way to ensure you are engaging different individuals - from big celebrations to mark National Volunteering Week and International Volunteering Day, to small thank you notes and biscuits at break times.

We have implemented:
We regularly, and in different ways, show our volunteers that they are appreciated.

We highlight the good practice of volunteers at a variety of opportunities.

It is important that it does not cost me financially when I volunteer. I expect the organisation to be transparent about all costs and reimburse travel expenses if possible.

The cost of volunteering is a big barrier for many potential volunteers out there. If you can pay expenses like travel costs, you should. When you write your role description and design your recruitment process, keep in mind any hidden cost to the volunteer, such as postage, travel, uniform.

We have implemented:
Processes to ensure volunteers are not out of pocket.

Supplies are provided for where needed and volunteers are not expected to provide these.

I expect both the organisation and myself to actively participate in two-way feedback at least once a year, fostering continuous improvement and communication to enhance the volunteer experience.

Your volunteers should know how they can give feedback on the work they are asked to do and the work of the organisation. Sending an anonymous survey or having a feedback box at reception is a great way to gather their insights.

We have implemented:
A way for volunteers to give us feedback.

What this organisation expects from volunteers:

In an interview or group recruitment session talk about what your organisation does, how they do it and where they volunteer fits into the overall effort. Ask the volunteers questions that engage them in this topic, for example, how do they relate to the cause? Do they have any experience in relation to it? Why do they want to volunteer with you? You can also include this in your role description or emails to them.

We have told our volunteers about:
What the organisation does, how we do it and where volunteering fits in
We ask them about their motivation

We have implemented:
A written Role description for the volunteer.

A volunteer interview (if appropriate to the role)

Explain to the volunteer in text or chat exactly what you would like them to do. Be clear and concise. Perhaps include what you would not like them to do. Tell them how their role is related to the overall work of the team or the organisations and how it is going to benefit your services users or cause. Don't forget to tell them how it will benefit them!

We have told our volunteers about:
Our volunteers have seen and agreed to the role description.

Our volunteers know how to ask for guidance and help.

We expect volunteers to be reliable partners, maintaining consistent communication, and adhering to commitments.

Make sure that in your role description or interview (or both!) that the volunteer knows when they are volunteering, for how long, where to go and how to communicate with you if they are late or something changes last minute. Remember to explain to them why it is important that they are on time and respect the time commitments, so they understand how important their role is to your organisation.

We have told our volunteers about:
The volunteer knows when they are volunteering, for how long and where to go.

The volunteer knows how to let us know if there are issues.

We expect volunteers to read and respond where appropriate to any communication from the organisation. We expect to be notified as soon as possible of any changes in a volunteer's circumstances that might change their ability to carry out their agreed volunteer role.

You might have different ways to communicate with your volunteers, for example, via text, WhatsApp, email or phone calls. Make sure to let your volunteer know how you communicate with them, how often, and if there are things you need them to communicate back to you. It is good practice to ask how the volunteer prefers to receive communication, so you know how best to contact them.

We have told our volunteers about:
Our volunteers know how we as an organisation communicate.
We have asked volunteers about the way they prefer to receive information.

We have implemented:
A clear way to communicate with our volunteers regularly.

We expect volunteers to promote inclusivity, fostering an environment where all participants feel welcome and valued, irrespective of background or identity.

Everyone should feel heard and respected - volunteers, staff and service users. Know that as a leader of volunteers, you set the tone for how the volunteers understand that they should treat others. In interviews it might be a good idea to ask the volunteer how they would conduct themselves in a made up scenario, as a basis for talking about how your organisations would like to see people treated.

We have told our volunteers about:
Our volunteers know how we expect everyone to treat each other - staff, service users and other volunteers.

We have implemented:
A fictional scenario in volunteer interviews to demonstrate how volunteers should behave.

We expect volunteers to demonstrate flexibility, adapting to changing circumstances and understanding the diverse needs and constraints of the volunteer community.

Talk to your volunteer about the changing nature of volunteering and what might cause things to change at the last minute - funding, staff capacity, the weather! How do you communicate last minute changes to your volunteers? What about big organisational changes that effect volunteers and their roles? Some volunteers have busy lives and might not be able to adapt quickly, so it is important to acknowledge that and make sure they don't feel pressured.

We have told our volunteers about:
What sort of changes might happen in relation to their volunteering.

We expect volunteers to contribute effectively, utilising resources to maximize the impact of our programmes and initiatives.

Suggestions: It is good to consider how the volunteer is going to complete their tasks. You might have more experience than they do so you might prepare a step-by-step procedure document to give to them. But don't forget they might have experience doing similar things so ask them how they would go about this?

We have told our volunteers about:
Ask the volunteer how they are going to go about the task/role?

We have implemented:
A written procedure to give to the volunteer.

We expect volunteers to take initiative in addressing challenges, identifying opportunities, and actively contributing to the continuous improvement of our programme.

It is important that the volunteer feels empowered to take initiative, and learn what sort of decisions they are able to make. Tell them how you make your decisions, and make sure they understand what your role is, in relation to their role. Acknowledge that the volunteer might, with time, gain more knowledge about certain aspects of the volunteering role than you may have, and make sure that they know you welcome their suggestions to improve and change the way things are done.

We have told our volunteers about:
The volunteer understands what sort of decisions they are expected to take.

We have implemented:
A way for volunteers to give feedback about their work and volunteering (online survey, feedback box at reception).

We expect our volunteers to familiarise themselves with relevant policies and procedures, and to treat all information given at the time of volunteering as confidential.

Volunteers should know about any policies that relate to their role and have access to them. Different roles may need different policies, so make sure to cover only what the volunteer needs to know, and then refer to where they can access more information if they are interested. It is also important for them to know what they can share about their volunteering experience with other people and what is confidential. Note that confidentiality can refer to materials such as texts, emails and paper, as well as experiences with service users and other volunteers.

We have told our volunteers about:
Our volunteers know about the policies we have in place that relate to their role.

Our volunteers understand what we see as confidential.

We have implemented:
An expense policy.

A complaint policy.

At least one of our staff have attended volunteer policy training.

The volunteer should know their time commitment to their volunteering. If a volunteer decides the volunteer role no longer suits, we ask them to provide as much notice as possible and if appropriate complete a short exit interview/survey.

Depending on the role, you might want to let your volunteer know that if they just stop signing up for shifts or don't show up for shifts, how you will deal with that and how that effects your work. Remember to explain to them that it is perfectly acceptable that their circumstances change, or they realise the role isn't for them, but tell them how you would like them to notify you of this, and what happens when they do (e.g.: removed from database, exit survey sent, exit interview).

We have told our volunteers about:
Our volunteers know how long they are volunteering.

Our volunteers know how to leave the volunteering role.

We have implemented:
A clear way for volunteers to leave and gather their feedback when leaving (exit survey or interview.